While it is frequently identified with stasis, Isa is far from inert. Glaciers move slowly but they can wear down mountains and carry boulders and trees as if they were pebbles and twigs. Isa does not have to move quickly: it is inexorable as an oncoming ice age. It knows that sooner or later our fires must die and our green lands must succumb to the frost.
Isa's sense of time and place is very different than our own: there is something Lovecraftian
Like water, ice takes the shape of its container: Isa's flexibility allows it to work well in many different bindrunes. Combined with a faster-moving rune like Uruz or Hagalaz, Isa can become a devouring avalanche. Formed into a bindrune with Othila, it can become an impenetrable defense which protects you and yours from your enemies. (Consider how the brutal Russian winters repelled the forces of Napoleon and Hitler or how the snowy passes of the Hindu Kush have helped make Afghanistan the "Graveyard of Empires
Isa is often used to block an opponent's way. Yet it can also be used to remove obstacles .Ice expands as it freeze: it can seep between cracks and shatter granite. Combined with Laguz and Thurisaz, Isa can become an irresistible force that will send the thickest walls tumbling down. The Water-Rune makes its way into the smallest chinks and crevices: the Ice-rune then expands and the Thorn breaks down the barrier. Isa can also be used to distract your pursuers and make their path slippery, or combined with Sowilo to turn illumination into snow-blindness.
And Isa's ability to preserve can be used to cement the gains achieved with other runes whose effect can be more fleeting. Combined with Ansuz, it might ensure that your words were remembered long after they were spoken. But this should be done with caution: that which is frozen often loses its vitality even though it does not decay. Isa can stave off corruption but it cannot give life to that which is dead. Although it may seem a timeless rune of eternal winter, Isa is tied to the cycle of the seasons. While the frost must have its season, so too must the thaw.
Question Kenaz. I read your site often, yet I have little spirituality. My heart is like Isa. The only spiritual feeling I have ever had with a religion was a feeling of friendship (with what I can't say) when I came to Asatru. Still, I feel the Gods are made up personifications. Myths were the equivilent of movies before electricity was discovered. My shrink tells me the reason I never converse w/anyone is because "people sense there is somthing wrong w/me, and I'll be that way for the rest of my life". He is a prick, yes, but a brilliant one. Am I spiritually dead inside? Any escape from a frozen heart?
Forget about the above post. Things' ok now. What can I say. Bad day.
My gosh Kenaz. Relax w/scrutinizing the posts. Everythin's going to be ooookkkk. Just take a deep breath. Kidding of course. Just wish you'd let us post. Even foolish chemist Loki driven people like me should be ok w/your open mind I would think.
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